
Facebook removed data leak after four years

Software professionals by security firm Symantec data have discovered a leak on Facebook. This affects the release of certain data requests for Facebook applications. According to Symantec, had a third party - primarily Facebook's advertising clients - access to Facebook profiles, photos, and chats. They had messages on behalf of those affected can send even status.


Microsoft interested in Skype

In the IT industry forges appear in another billion dollar business. As the Wall Street Jounal "reported that wants the software company Microsoft's Internet telephony providers are Skype. The purchase price could be up to 8.5 billion dollars (5.7 billion euros), the American Journal. Both sides declined to comment until now. Microsoft is not the only one who is interested in Skype. Finally, it had also been reports of calls from Skype to Google and Facebook. Microsoft can use the Telephony service, among other things for his current ailing smartphone business well. With the currently booming smartphone, Microsoft was a pioneer - but was last suspended from Apple with its iPhone and Google's Android operating system.

Security issue in Skype confused Mac users

Since the beginning of April does Skype is a serious security problem in the Mac client of the popular messaging service. The Australian security expert Gordon Maddern from Pure Hacking had found a way by coincidence, a colleague from a distance to get to crash the client. In a blog entry of yesterday, he writes, he had a few days of research found a way, space access to the remote Mac to get through this and so to start a terminal session.


Identity theft with OpenID

Faulty implementations of OpenID Extension Attribute Exchange (AX) allow attackers against a foreign websites impersonate, warns the OpenID Foundation. Security researchers have discovered that some of OpenID participating websites did not verify whether the reported data is signed. Due to the lack of verification data, an attacker can freely manipulate. One specific attack scenario, called the Foundation is not.

U.S. government wants to make Firefox Add-on MafiaaFire disappear

The Mozilla Foundation has at present with an unusual request of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security ( Department of Homeland Security DHS) in this light. This requires the development community, the Firefox add-on MafiaaFire redirector the range of the official add-on removed from site. The browser plug-directs queries from specific domains to automatically alternate domains.

Injured during launch of the iPad 2 in China

The launch ended iPad 2 before the largest Apple Store in Beijing on Friday with a mass panic and several injuries. At least half a dozen people were injured in the Apple store from the shards of a glass door when it burst, told reporters. Four clients had come because of the serious injuries to hospital. The store was closed, the police investigate the operation.


Setting up Ubuntu

This guide shows how to make a Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) set up desktop that includes full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop is a. It brings all the software with which you as user needs and a similar form of a Windows desktop in familiar. The advantages are obvious: You get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works to conserve resources and also works on old hardware and the software is free.

Google vs. Oracle

At the initiative of Oracle's lawyers, the District Court of Maryland, the Apache Software Foundation requesting a subpoena for documents the process between Oracle and Google for the violation of Java provide patents and copyrights in Android. More specifically, to the use of code the Java implementation in Apache Harmony Android and the unsuccessful attempt by the ASF, and later from Sun Oracle on the Java SE Technology Compatibility Kit acceptable to license conditions to Harmony as a certified Java compatible to. The Apache Software Foundation wants the call to 13. May meet.
Oracle alleges that Google, with the Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) in Android "Knowingly, directly and repeatedly the intellectual property of Oracle to hurt "have. Dalvik according to Google based on the open source Java Apache Harmony VM, not Oracle's Java implementation, the Apache Software Foundation is the not contradicted. Applications for the DVM is written in Java and compile in Java bytecode, then translated into a specific byte code for the DVM. After Google had rejected the allegations of Oracle, has the Database giant's allegations substantiated and now a first Point victory won in court. Little irony on the side: Java creator James Gosling has a job at Google, after just over a Year was eliminated at Oracle.


Piwik 1.4 is out

The free web tracking suite Piwik is getting ready for IPv6: the protocol in order to World-IPv6-day on 8 June to be able to fully support, the developers have Piwik 1.4 In order to count visitors IPv6 extended. However, IPv6 is currently nor explicitly marked as experimental. 

Also new is that automatic reports no longer be triggered by a cron job will have. Since many web hosting plans do not offer the possibility Cron To create jobs, can activate Piwik scheduled events over the counting function: The time has come for a job pushes him to the next site visitors at. In addition, reports can now no longer only as a PDF, but also as an HTML file be sent by e-mail. 

Piwik 1.4, as a zip archive for download and installation is only in maintaining a directory outside the web server unpacked. Those who already have a Piwik is installed earlier version of the web tracking tool and write access to its installation directory can be granted, even the one-click update in the web Front-end use.