
Piwik 1.4 is out

The free web tracking suite Piwik is getting ready for IPv6: the protocol in order to World-IPv6-day on 8 June to be able to fully support, the developers have Piwik 1.4 In order to count visitors IPv6 extended. However, IPv6 is currently nor explicitly marked as experimental. 

Also new is that automatic reports no longer be triggered by a cron job will have. Since many web hosting plans do not offer the possibility Cron To create jobs, can activate Piwik scheduled events over the counting function: The time has come for a job pushes him to the next site visitors at. In addition, reports can now no longer only as a PDF, but also as an HTML file be sent by e-mail. 

Piwik 1.4, as a zip archive for download and installation is only in maintaining a directory outside the web server unpacked. Those who already have a Piwik is installed earlier version of the web tracking tool and write access to its installation directory can be granted, even the one-click update in the web Front-end use.


Intraman said...


Gaston said...

IPv6 confuses me. I was barely getting used to our IPs now. Networks piss me off, do you by any chance know how to break a WPA2's encryption? There's wireless at work, but it's locked.

fit4life said...

what exactly does the program do?

Paulie Pecans said...

Interesting. *Makes finger pyramid* Very Interesting.

Lunarchy said...

Oo wasn't aware that this was out. Thanks for the heads up!

Armagedda said...

Looks like some decent updates here, I'll have to grab it in a minute.