Hello bloggers! Here comes another magnificent tip from Bux 4 Tux. Want tips on how to increase traffic? Blog directories are the way to go.
Adding your blog to a blog directory such as bloghunt.info allows people to find your blog with ease, rather than using big search engines such as Google, it allows people to find blogs in relation to their interests.
How do you add your blog to blog hunt? Here is how:
Search your desired blog name on your search bar, then click the red link (red link indicates the page does not exist yet.
Then describe your blog, then you're done! But not yet. In order to allow your audience to find you, you need to add yourself to the category that you pertain to. This is done by writing this at the end of your page: [[category:yourcategory]]
Good luck everyone! See you tomorrow.
nice tip I'll try it.
I heard this site was useful nice to have a confirmation!
You are amazing. I absolutely love you for sharing thsi!
That s awsome :D
Thanks fore the tip. I'll be adding my blog there right away.
good tip man thanks ill try it
Thanks for the tip. I'll go enter my blog right now!
Thanks for the tip! Following and supporting. alphabetalife.blogspot.com
this is really cool, thanks for the link!
im trying it right now...
Neat, I'll definitely check this out
good tips,I'll will follow that
thx 4 info
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