Gearbox chief Randy Pitchford dampens the hopes of the fans: Borderlands 2 iscurrently not an issue for the studio.
Fans of the comic book shooter Borderlands had been an official announcement hoped the successor after the CV of the free graphic artist James Mosingo first concrete information on Borderlands 2 had appeared. There were these individual other things, created designs for the user interface of Borderlands 2 to have.
The hopes of the players were, however, shortly afterwards of Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford himself subdued. That allows airplane Lands 2 was still not an issue: "I honestly have no idea who James Mosingo. Last year in September or October, when we just Clap Trap's New Robot Revolution finished presented, we have set some freelancers to discuss possible HUD (Head Up Display) and other things for the future of the Borderlands brand to think."
"Maybe Mosingo belonged to this group - but was all in Sand. I do not mean to suggest that the type is poor. I do not know Look Who he is and what he did. It could be the greatest ever. I just want to say that the things that we produced at that time, for the most part discarded. We just considered into the blue, what aspect you could potentially tackle next."
A Borderlands 2 is thus still a long way from the table, as Pitchford declaration to the games page EuroGamer: "I and everyone loves to Gearbox Borderlands and we are on the reaction of customers and sales of four million copies overwhelmed. As you can see, we have the game as supplied crazy with great DLC and you can imagine, we still much in mind for Borderlands. But we have only announced that we also have. What we have not been announced, there is not. In a studio like Gearbox but of course there are always plans and ideas for the future."
i've never read any but it seems to be worth looking into
i do not think i've played borderlands..
Didnt really find Borderlands that good, kind of meh. Its best done in co-op though which i didnt do.
That is so lame. The Borderlands DLCs (apart from Underdome) are terrible compared to the fantastic main campaign. It would be nice to see the developer working on a new game rather than lame add-ons.
There really should be a part 2 I loved the first one
Might be worth a look.
I think Gearbox registered "Borderworlds" as a copyright a while back. That might be something to look into.
I really hope they do make another one, I enjoyed the first.
Just finished my second play through, the scaling on the weapons is ridiculous
The first one was amazing, but got a little repetitive. Can't wait to check it out.
ok, i definitely just read the first part of the title of your post and got really excited... whomp whomp whomp. i wish they would make a sequel...
I've heard boarderlands was mostly hype. maybe i'll check it out if i can find it for cheap
Borderlands is not mostly hype, borderlands ftw!
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